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What students and parents have to say about MHMA

Some musicians are gifted with playing their instrument and set goals to just play for money, or fame.  Others add an extra dimension to the gifts they have been given and chose to help others realize their talents, and fan that musical flame.  We here at MHMA, feel that by truly inspiring the student to play or sing to the best of their ability, it only makes us professionals that much better as musicians, as it keeps us grounded in the fundamentals necessary to expand from...


To Whom It May Concern:

Dino Cuneo worked for Denver School of Music 2004 and 2005. During that time he developed great relationships with his students and the faculty. Using a method he developed over a decade of teaching, he got students on their feet in a remarkably short span of time. His method is a logical and progressive path, building from a simple foundation anyone can understand. Over time, it builds into startling combinations that lead to four-limb independence, freeing drummers from the burden of technical limitations, letting them be the expressive musicians they strive to be.

Dino is a fantastic teacher with a heart of gold. Drummers of any level should jump at the opportunity to learn from him, as he draws from a broad, experience-rich background.


Robert Fulton

President (Denver School of Music)


To Whom It May Concern:

Dino Cuneo is one of the most talented drummers of our time.  He has been on numerous albums of all types of music including jazz to metal, and everything in between.  I have as high a level of respect for his drumming and teaching ability, as I do for the top names in the drumming community around the Country.  I have told Dino on more than one occasion "If you only had a well known name, you would be doing drum clinics for us".  (Drum City Guitar Land) has officially endorsed Dino since 2001 and I have no doubt that he will "Be At The Top Of His Class" and has the chops to accompany any type of band needing an exceptional drummer of his capability.  

I have a copy of Dino's first drum instructional book (Progressive Drum Method Vol. I) sitting on my desk at the store and recommend his (books-knowledge-ability and experience) to any and all.  Dino has been a  personal friend of mine for many years, and hope to keep his friendship for many years to come.


Tim Kae

Co-Owner (Drum City Guitar Land) Denver, Colorado (303) 421-4515




Learning a musical instrument has been proven to aid in a higher intellect in children!!!

(Ask about our FREE lesson)

Music Lessons For All Ages. 

We pride ourselves in being unique as a music academy. We travel to our students homes, which saves you time and money.  We have found that offering the mobile service saves parents from having to drive to a studio and sit for a half hour to an hour, being pulled away from their own responsibilities from the daily tasks that we all have.

We teach private lessons to adults and children starting at age 6.  Most children under 6 don't have the attention span to spend even 30 minutes with a music teacher, and even though we are in business to make money, we are not going to go through the motions just for the money...

The first step you should take in deciding if having our staff professionally train you, your son or daughter, is to click this link (what students and parents have to say about MHMA), then click on the contact link, and fill out the form, or simply call us at 303-941-3179 to set up a consultation.

When your child shows an interest in taking lessons it's very important that they are in the right environment to be motivated.  It is very common to have a student excited to play until they find out it is actually work having to practice their instrument.  We have a different approach that other schools with teaching the student not only how to read music, and learn Theory, to actually pick out songs that he or she likes, and teach by ear as well.


We here at MHMA strive to be rated the highest quality mobile music academy of its kind.   We truly have the best instructors in the industry, with top professional musicians that have played on pro stages in front of thousands of people...


Dino Cuneo is affiliated with these websites:

(Progression X Jazz) (Generations Jazz Trio) (Cuneo Productions) (Mile High Music Academy) (Snoasis Records recording studio) (Iambic Pulse) (Skulls-N-Bones) (The Examiner) (Sonic Excess) (Drum City Guitar Land) (The Band Leader Software Company) (Colorado Carpet Care).  You will find current updates on the "What's New" page of recording projects that Dino is working on, and events that he will be involved with in the near future.  Come visit us often and give a listen to a few snippets of songs on the Free Music page, or order the full length albums from the CD's page.  Don't forget to check out Dino's Bios Page to see where he's been and where he is going, and most of all, thank you for stopping by...



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Copyright © 2016 Snoasis Records L.L.C.
Last modified: February 21, 2015